Recent News
Posted on January 1, 2025 10:40 AM by Admin
Categories: General
The CPOA Board wishes everyone a healthy and safe 2025! Property owners are welcome to attend the monthly meetings which are held at the Pitts Center at 5:30PM on the first Thursday of each month. Updates based on holidays or other conflicts are noted on the website so please check there is you plan to attend.
The Chicahauk Board needs you!  
If are interested in volunteering your time to help your fellow Chicahauk members maintain the long-term goals of Chicahauk, please visit our website to fill out an Application of Interest here: We are seeking candidates for the 2025 Board of Directors election.  
Leftover Christmas Trees: a post from Len regarding re-using Christmas trees
If you are wondering what to do with your live Christmas tree, I will be helping to fortify the dunes in Southern Shores by tying them to existing sand fence.  There are a number of places that could use some extra attention, and the trees can help collect sand and build the dunes.    You can drop them off at the Hillcrest parking lot in Southern Shores, or email me here.  I will be driving around the neighborhood next week picking them up. If you are in Kitty Hawk you can drop them off at Ocean Boulevard Bistro, or at the bath house next to Black Pelican.  I will be putting them on the dunes in Southern Shores every Saturday or Sunday, starting January 4th, let me know if you are interested in helping out and I can send you more details.  Please don't just put them on the beach without securing them. They will blow away with the strong winter winds and will end up in the ocean. Trees that end up in the middle of the beach, and not up on the dune, could interfere with turtle nesting in the summer. 
..and a more recent message: 
I will also be securing Christmas trees on the dune this January.  You can drop them off at the Hillcrest  Parking lot in southern shores. Please remove all ornaments and tinsel before dropping them off.  The trees will be put out on the dunes   on Saturdays. January 4th, 11th, and 16th at noon. We will be meeting at the Hillcrest parking lot. 
Questions?  You can reach Len at 
2024 Holiday Santa Ride 
The SSCA-sponsored Santa Ride and stop at the Trinitie Park went well!  Thank you, SSCA, for sponsoring and coordinating the event. Thank you to Chicahauk volunteers John & Sharon Bianchi, Judy Diaz, Carolyn Hoover, John Hoover, Bette Kraemer, Karen Kranda, and Cory Taylor. A few photos, more are on the FaceBook group page:
CPOA and the Town of Southern Shores Agrees to Transfer of Sidewalks in CPOA to Town Ownership 
In the TOSS December Council Meeting, the Town of Southern Shores passed a motion for the TOSS and CPOA to agree upon the transfer of ownership of the three sidewalks in Chicahauk to the TOSS along with other infrastructure such as retaining walls. These are the sidewalks on the north side of Chicahauk Trail, the west side of Spindrift Trail and the east side of Trinitie Trail. These sidewalks are in the TOSS right-of-way and thus are on TOSS property. CPOA has long done landscaping maintenance along these sidewalks and recently invested in repairs to the concrete. 
Ongoing TOSS maintenance will ensure that the sidewalks and other infrastructure are maintained in keeping with the sidewalks in the rest of the Town. CPOA will continue to provide landscaping maintenance along the sidewalks.  
As part of the assumption of this responsibility, CPOA has added a section of CPOA common property to the existing easement that is used for the Town parking lot next to Chicahauk Trail. This includes maintenance of a wooded buffer next to the lots adjacent to the new easement. The CPOA Board is glad that the Town Council and staff worked with us to ensure that the sidewalks will be safe and well maintained for all town residents going forward
Juniper/Trinitie Bridge Replacement 
The Town of Southern Shores began work on the replacement of the culvert bridge on Juniper/Trinitie Trail on December 9. Hopefully you have all heard about this closure and, if you have been here since December 1, you would have seen the detour signs. The bridge work is expected to take 210 days according to Town notices. Although there was an initial problem with the work on December 13th when a crane fell into the canal, the Town reported that there were no delays anticipated because of that situation. 
Because the closure of the bridge means that all Chicahauk residents (except those on Sea Oats Lane) must enter and exit via the Chicahauk Trail entrance, the Board asked the TOSS staff to review the timing of the light at the Rt. 12 intersection with NCDOT. Even during the off season, turns at that light can be difficult at specific times and, in season that could become very dangerous. Town staff will be contacting NCDOT about those concerns. 
During initial work by the contractor, the bridge culvert collapsed under some equipment. No one was injured.   The town requests that persons stay clear of the construction site for safety reasons. 
The Chicahauk Angel Gift Program was successful again this year! 
The 2024 Program Managers, Judu Diaz and Nancy Odom, extended their thanks for the thoughtful donation to the children of the Outer Banks. These gifts brought a brighter Christmas to the six children that we sponsored and their families and reconfirms the generosity that is a longstanding part of what makes Chicahauk, Southern Shores and the Outer Banks a special place to live. Let the Board know if this is something you would like to help with next year.
Property Owners’ Contact Information
The CPOA completed the process of verifying current contact information entered via the website.  Some members do not have a cell phone number or email entered as part of the profile. Please verify your account has both. We use both to communicate with property owners.  Those property owners without a current email address neither receive our newsletter nor would they receive other emails that provide important information. We also use your telephone number to text updates that can be related to road closures, storm issues or other time-sensitive topics.  The CPOA plans to reach out to property owners with missing information.
Email Address Verification
In January, an email from the CPOA will be sent requesting a reply. This will allow us to verify that the email addresses on record are still in use. Some email addresses are very old. 
Storm Damage Response Team Volunteer Opportunity
The Board is asking for volunteers to serve on the Storm Damage Response Team which does a post-storm survey of all streets in Chicahauk to determine if there is damage that needs attention by the CPOA, TOSS or the utilities. Board members then coordinate contacting agencies or contractors, as needed. If you are usually available after storms and would like to help, please email us at to volunteer. Neighborhood “teams” are welcome.
Recurring News: 
Chicahauk Website – Our website is your main source of information about the CPOA.  If you sell your property, be sure to let us know once that process is completed on the contact form here:  We want to ensure our assessment and notifications mailings are sent to current owners, as Dare Country property records are not updated immediately.  
Facebook – Join us at the Facebook group at Any property owner is welcome to post and start a dialog. A reminder that the Facebook page is no longer managed by the CPOA and is no longer maintained. 
Interested in Town of Southern Shores news? Register for their newsletter here:
Interested in Dare County news?  Register for email updates here:  
Interesting in local “foodie” things?  Take a look at the Facebook groups Outer Banks Food at or OBX Restaurant Updates at 
Do you have a local business that you think would be great for a newsletter spotlight?  Please let us know by using the Contact Us form on the CPOA website. 
Posted on November 15, 2024 10:34 AM by Admin
Categories: General
If you are interested in volunteering your time to help your fellow Chicahauk members maintain the long-term goals of Chicahauk, please visit our website to fill out an Application of Interest. We are seeking candidates for the 2024 Board of Directors election. Please apply by December 20, 2024. 
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